
In the products tab, you will find a list of all products you offer. You can add as many products as you need here. These products may or may not be on sale.

  1. Click Add product button to add a new product
  2. You can also switch between tabs and get access to archived products. Archived products are all those products that you have removed from the main offer. However, they remain in the database and can be reactivated if needed. 

The following columns in the product list are worth to be explained:

  • In stock - If you limit the sale of a product, a number appears indicating how many products are still available for sale (for example, you can have a limited edition salad with white truffle, and you can't sell more than 100 units; that's what it's for).
  • Sold - Information on how many products were sold in general.
  • Sorting priority - This index is responsible for what is displayed first on your offer. The higher the number, the higher the product is displayed on all lists.


Deleted products do not delete orders. The products stop being active and go to the archive. They are not available for the sale but you have insight into their history.

After entering the categories tab you have access to the list of categories created. These categories appear as sections on your offer page. Categories can be freely added, edited, and modified. You don't have to change anything in the products. The added category will be visible on the product adding or editing tab.